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Forsake All To Follow Thee

Forsake All To Follow Thee

Many Christians think that they Receive Jesus as someone who can Save them and Help them, but virtually they deny Him as Master.

They think they have a right to have their own will in a thousand things.

They speak very much what they like, they do very much what they like, they use their property and possessions as they like.

They are their own masters, and they have never dreamed of saying,

Jesus, I Forsake All to Follow Thee.

Ministry To God

Ministry To God

…they have not ministered to the Lord.

…their own pleasure and delight having been satisfied.

…to what you inwardly minister is your own flesh!

In Truth, you are not at all seeking to please the Lord.

Let us Ask God to Gives us Grace that we may Know what is Ministry to God.

To Die To Self

To Die To Self

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To Die to self is, in Experience, Deeper and More Advanced than to Die to sin.



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The Life of Grace is Always and Only a Life of Faith,

And in the Relationship to Jesus the one daily and unceasing duty of the Disciple is to Believe.

Love Unites

Love Unites

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Because Loves Unites!

Love envies not, seeks not her own, thinks no evil of others;

In other words, Love does not divide and separate.



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It is Because we do not Abide in Christ that the Church is so impotent in the face of unfaithfulness, worldliness, and unbelief.

Comforter and Advocate

Comforter and Advocate

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Comforter! called to one’s side – that is, to one’s aid.

The Holy Spirit is our Present Help.

Whenever we need His Aid, He is Always Alongside us to Help.

And Advocate! one who pleads another’s cause.

Christ Appears Before God to Plead for us – that is, to Plead for our Good.

Bearing the Full Responsibility

Bearing the Full Responsibility

The Lord will NOT leave us as orphans.

He will Himself Take Care of us,

Nourishing us, Edifying us, and Bearing the Full Responsibility for us.

Tuesday October 22 2024

ACTS 2.4

and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,


but be filled in the Spirit,



as, then, you received Christ Jesus the LORD, walk in Him, being rooted and built up in Him, and confirmed in the faith, as you were taught—abounding in it in thanksgiving.


1 JOHN 4.19-21

we love Him, because He first loved us; if anyone may say, “I love God,” and may hate his brother, he is a liar; for he who is not loving his brother whom he has seen, how is he able to love God whom he has not seen? And this [is] the command we have from Him, that he who is loving God, may also love his brother.


JOHN 15.7

if you may remain in Me, and My sayings may remain in you, whatever you may wish you will ask, and it will be done to you.


JONN 14.18

I will not leave you bereaved, I come to you;